Kaisertown Coalition Community Meeting Minutes
Date: November 12, 2024
Order was called at 6:00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence was led by Kevin Mason
Updates from our Community Officers
Community Police Officer Lindsay Zgoda updated us on the community activities
- xx Fedro place – where the fire was. They are aware of possible squatters getting into the residence. The door has been boarded up, however possibly going in through a window. The owner is attempting to get them out & call 311 or 911 if you see any activity,
- xxx Kelburn – still under investigation with another police agency. Nothing new to report
- xxx Fenton St., the squatters have been removed. Call 311 if you see any activity
- xx Kelburn – the landlord was able to get the tenants evicted – should be out by the 1st of the year
- The underpass of the bridges has been cleaned up and new fences will be going up to keep the homeless from using them as shelter.
- There has been a lot of speeding going on down S Ogden & Clinton St. Also, Spann has become a drag strip. Patrols have been increased and the 1 patrol that is certified to do speeding tickets has been moved to days.
- A member mentioned that the exit ramp from exit 2 of the 190 is a school zone – however, it is not observed by drivers. The discussion in the room was mentioned that the school zone does not officially start until Clinton St. Member requested signs to go up to slow down the traffic
- Casmir & Cable St has seen an increase in dirt bikes. Officer Zgoda stated that they are aware of them, however, they need to know where they are coming from. She requested the members to watch to see which way they are coming and report to 311.
Councilmember Bryan Bollman was absent
Building Inspector Kevin Coyne was absent
Introduction of Guest Speakers
Chris Perrotta – developer of the Kaisertown Coalition Logo presented the logo and an explanation of how it was developed. He said he was inspired by the Presidential Seal and wanted to keep it clean and crisp. He brought in the Polish falcon for the ties of the community to the Polish heritage – symbolizing the heart and spirt of Kaisertown. The red & white stripes positioned at a 45-degree angle move in a forward upward motion to symbolize progress & optimism. The 1999 symbolizes the year the coalition was started. And the red, white, & blue colors was chosen as they are the colors of both the American Flag and the Polish Flag.
It was noted that Chris is also working on a similar logo for the Kaisertown Community. Once approved we will order both logos on flags and sell them to the community. They will need to be approved by the community first. He hopes to come back to a meeting in February to do the presentation.
Reading of any communications
Report of officers
John Poniewierski -President – absent
Kevin Mason – Vice President – nothing presented
Dan Larussa – Treasurer – absent – Cindy read off the treasurer’s report
Cindy Lawson – Secretary – copies of last month’s meeting available
Bobby Jo Meyers – Sergeant of Arms – nothing presented
Report of Special Committees
Veterans Day – Cindy Lawson reported that the ceremony presenting the buffalo’s was well attended and Councilmember Bryan Bollman presented a proclamation from the City of Buffalo to all those that had taken care of Heroes Grove over the last few years as a thank-you and a tribute to the veterans.
Christmas in Kaisertown – Kevin Mason – things are going well. We need volunteers to assist if possible. Please see Cindy or Kevin to offer your assistance.
Unfinished (old) Business:
New Business:
A member brought up 1680 Clinton St and what was going on with that. Cindy will research and report back
Questions & Answers
Drawing of the 50/50 ticket – Kaisertown Coalition proceeds will go towards a new website
Respectfully Submitted
Cynthia S Lawson
Secretary for Kaisertown Coalition Inc
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