A seal of kaisertown coalition

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Kaisertown Coalition Community Meeting Minutes

Date: February 4, 2025

Order was called at 6:03 pm and John Poniewierski welcomed everyone to the meeting

Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence was led by John

I went over the list of the guest speakers to let everyone know that I had spoken with the offices of  Jeremiah Horrigan & Police Commissioner Alphonso Wright and why they were not with us. It had not been announced that Bryan Bollman was going to miss the meeting.  At that point Police Commissioner Wright joined us.

I read the press release regarding Leroy Scott and how the situation was advancing.

Q. The owner of Kaisertown Gifts & Crafts wanted clarification on the mayor’s statement.  6 accounts listed as pending, 12 investigations,

A. Chief Mullen reported that 1 had a video (but refused to press charges); others had video of before & after but not doing the actual act so can’t be used.

Discussion on what happens to Leroy Scott if he is discharged.

Q. Member requested an update on the grants for the people affected by broken windows

A. I read a statement from Bryan Bollman that RFP has been put out for this program and once the contract is signed, we will be able to open the program for applications.

Q. John brought up the possibility of police bikes in the area this summer.

A. PC Wright responded that we will have more walking patrols, however the bike program qualifications are 6 weeks of training and they do not currently have the availability of sending officers to that.

Discussion on eviction of drug dealers, squatters etc in the neighborhood.

Q. Who does an eviction?

A. PC Wright tried to explain that the landlord starts the process, once the courts order the eviction the marshals come in to remove the tenant.  There is a new judge that is calling for a meeting with the police officers, marshals, attorneys and other officials to see what can be done to speed up the process.

Community Police Officer Lindsay Zgoda gave a quick update on the crime in the community.

Q. Several statements were made about the faded street signs, 20 mph speed zone within the radius of the school not being enforced, the issue with the street light at the corner of Willett & Clinton St,  & the school lights not working properly.

A. PO Zgoda recommended everyone call the issues into 311 and report them. The more people that report it, the faster we will get results. 300 calls gets a faster reaction than 3!  Make sure to get the confirmation number.  There is an app for reporting and can also be done on-line.

It was brought up that we should host a meeting with “training on 311” and invite Teonna Fleming and Oswald (I will reach out to Debbie Lombardo for further information)

Building Inspectors Andrew Blersch & John Rossi gave updates on the community

Q. Absentee landlords – buying properties at tax auctions; If someone is flagged as a “bad landlord” is there a way to stop a sale to them?

A. Not a legal way

John Rossi discussed working with the mayor impact team and goes into alleged squatters homes to get them removed.

Discussion on certificate of occupancy (3rd story of a property was converted to an apartment – a proper building permit was not obtained.)

John wanted to know the main issues in the area; Drugs, absentee landlords, squatters were mentioned

With squatters and repairs not being completed, file goes to housing court and the judge doesn’t hold the person accountable & extends the time.  The new judge won’t do that.

Neighborhood Watch with Dorrie McClain & Debbie Lombardo

Debbie discussed the importance of block clubs & the purpose of working together.  She also discussed the multiple task forces in the city (ie. Anti-dumping hot spots)

Debbie also discussed that she does clean sweeps where she goes door to door and makes the tenant/homeowner aware of available grants, mental health assistance, senior services etc. She is accompanied by intern doctors & nurses, the American Red Cross and other volunteers.  Has a few streets sited for Kaisertown

More discussion on the Neighborhood watch and the inner workings of doing it on Facebook.  Each street would essentially be its own block club and work together notifying the police or 311 if there is an issue.  Each street would hold their own meetings, events etc.  The events could be street garage sales, party on the porch or competition for who has the best decorations of the season.  At the meetings, and problem homes would be discussed.

Q. A lot of duplexes with tenants in the area would they be included? Also what if someone from a known trouble home (squatter or drugs) come to a meeting

A. Debbie said everyone should be invited to the meetings. A code word can be created in the event a questionable house/tenant shows up at a meeting – still can discuss the parties/events just to make them feel welcome.

Food Pantry Building has been sold and the food pantry has been moved to the 5 car garage on Casmir. Dr Justee from Justee Nursing School, Fort Pierce, FL has bought it. I will try to meet him this week to invite him to a meeting.

Officer Report

               President:       John would like to encourage the individual streets to form a block club, we can assist anyone who is interested in knowing more.

               Vice-President: Thanked everyone for the turnout last month, discussed the meeting with Mayor Scanlon

               Treasurer: I read the treasurers’ report

               Secretary: Meeting minutes from January were emailed to everyone; There is also an audio recording if anyone would like to listen to the meeting.

National Night Out is set for August 5 and if we are going to plan on having it we will need volunteers to assist. I have registered with the National organization.  We need a committee to set up, tear down & clean up. Please see me after the meeting if you are interested


Christmas in Kaisertown update from Kevin – we are starting to get going again. Need volunteers!

I presented examples of Veteran Banners that could be purchased. The flags are about $80 each double sided. Dorrie has done this in the Seneca-Babcock area and it was very well received. The members asked a few questions; we would need the DD2 form and the years served and a picture (jpeg format) of the individual; preferably in military uniform.  The brackets to hold the flags to the poles run about $90/pole – they can be double sided to get 2 flags to the pole. May be able to get a grant for the brackets – or local businesses to donate.

I also discussed Sue Bradbury has offered to investigate grants for the Coalition. She is looking into The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Buffalo Love Your Block Grant, and the H&R Block & Next Door Grant. It was agreed that she will receive a fee of approximately 10% for doing the research.

Next month meeting is Scheduled for March 4 – please plan on attending

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia S Lawson

secretary for the Kaisertown Coalition