Kaisertown Coalition Community Meeting Minutes
Date: December 3, 2024
Order was called at 6:04 pm
Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence was led by Kevin Mason
Updates from our Community Officers
Community Police Officer Lindsay Zgoda updated us on the community activities
- Passed out the packet of crime reports in the area and discussed activity in our area
- Member put in a request for more police around school 69. A lot of drivers are speeding. Zgoda has requested more assistance – from Cliff St to Bailey – however, not many officers are certified for speeding. She will try to increase patrol during school hours. She also stated that the radar sign in that area was removed due to complaints from drivers to the common council.
- The light by Granata’s Garage; sign is missing was brought to her attention.
- All police cars are being fitted with camera’s; currently daytime has more on duty.
- Discussion on the license plate reader – there are 2 in every district $ on street poles. When a plate number is entered into the system, it can track the activities of that plate throughout the community
- Question was asked about the chief of police – Paul Mullen
Councilmember Bryan Bollman was absent
Building Inspector Kevin Coyne was absent
Introduction of Guest Speakers
Nathan Marton, Commissioner, Department of Public Works, Parks & Streets
- The city has gotten 5 new plows, need 6 more – trying to get medium size or maybe skid steers for snow clean up
- After a brief introduction, questions were asked about Alternate parking. He stated to obey the signs. There are not enough parking attendants to police the area and give out tickets to everyone, however, they are working on getting more so beware!
- Great discussion on various street signs, snow plowing, parking rules etc.
- He gave an update on the signs on Cliff St – and when to expect them to be changed
- GPS on the trucks were on all summer long, however, with the recent snow storm the GPS wasn’t working. He said he would have them flip the switch and turn it back on. But he reminded us that some of the trucks do not have the GPS, if they are contracted to do the snowplowing it won’t show and if they are brought in from an outside city due to a heavy storm it will not show on the map.
- The idea of getting social centers or churches to be plowed out and then have the residents move their vehicles to said lots so the plows can clean up the streets easier. Commissioner Marton will check that and let us know. Although a great idea, he doesn’t think it will work due to liability reason.
Reading of any communications
Report of officers
John Poniewierski -President – Food pantry in the St Casmir’s school was broken into. They took golf clubs and broke all the windows, took the fire extinguishers and sprayed them on the gym floor.
Kevin Mason – Vice President – nothing presented
Dan Larussa – Treasurer – absent – Cindy read off the treasurer’s report
Cindy Lawson – Secretary – copies of last month’s meeting available
Bobby Jo Meyers – Sergeant of Arms – nothing presented
Report of Special Committees
Christmas in Kaisertown – Kevin Mason – things are going well. We need volunteers to assist if possible. Please see Cindy or Kevin to offer your assistance.
Unfinished (old) Business: No unfinished old business
New Business:
Questions & Answers
Drawing of the 50/50 ticket – Kaisertown Coalition proceeds will go towards a new website
Adjournment was at 6:56 PM
Respectfully submitted
Cynthia S Lawson
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